Wallpaper & Wall Coverings
Your Wallpaper Resource
The right wallpaper can bring beauty and romance to any room. Wallpaper allows you to take interior design to the next level, and with many different styles and designs to choose from we're sure to have a wall covering that will allow your personal style to shine. At Sweet’s Decor, we’re ready to help you bring your vision to life with high-quality wallpaper and wall covering products.
Sweet’s Decor is proud to carry a wide variety of wallpaper brands, and we offer a large design selection. In addition to wallpaper, we also carry the tools you'll need to complete any wallpaper project you’re ready to tackle.
When you visit us, you can rest assured that we’ll provide you with expert advice and superior knowledge of the best wallpaper and accessories for your household project. Whether you’re designing one wall, one room, or your entire home, we have the products and accessories you need to get the job done right.

Brands We Carry
We Carry the following Brands:
Provincial Wallcoverings
Brewster wallcoverings
Ontario Wallcoverings
Visit Sweet’s Decor today to view our extensive wallpaper options and to learn more about the products and brands we offer. We look forward to seeing you in the store.